Robot World 1.0

About “Robot World”, series 1

Watercolor on Paper – 2008, 2009

I work primarily either digitally or in watercolors. While I enjoy creating art on the computer, watercolors require an entirely different thought process. I particularly love the juxtaposition of the mechanical and digital nature of robots, with the natural, organic characteristics of hand painted watercolors.  Unlike a computer program which can have infinite copies and there is no real original, a watercolor is a tangible single entity, which can never be perfectly duplicated.

This particular series of watercolor creates a surreal little world, which takes on a life of its own. These mechanical beings show the emotion we associate with being human. Who are these strange robotic creatures that inhabit this world?  How does this world function? What’s the story behind each picture?

This series is currently on loan to Cahners ComputerPlace, in the Museum of Science in Boston, MA.

Robot World (MoS Boston)

Copyright 2011 Nancy Dorsner | Website Design: Dabbled|Studios | Website Credits | Log in web design by dabbledstudios